De 17 a 23 de Maio vai estar activo CR60P (CR sessenta P) para comemorar os 60 anos das tropas paraquedistas portuguesas. Diploma para quem fizer pelo menos 5 qso's /band slots. Para diploma enviar a lista dos qso's para awards.cr60p@gmail.com---
From 17th to 23rd May 2016
60 Years of Portugal Airborne Troops
New prefix on the air
CT1EHX Miguel
CT1CQK Luis Filipe
CT2IUK Anderson
CT1EEC Carlos
From 20th to 23rd we will be TX from the Airborne Base in Tancos
A diploma will be awarded to those who make at least 5 different qso's/band slots.
We will be active from 10m to 80m SSB, CW and Digi
To request the diploma please send qso list to: awards.cr60p@gmail.com
recebiado directamente via CT1IUA (facebook)
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