Diploma Worked CT-QRP Club Award

O Clube Português QRP lançou um novo diploma radioamadorístico, o diploma Worked CT-QRP Club Award.
Para a obtenção deste diploma são necessários, um mínimo de 10 contactos com estações membras do CT-QRP Club a operar em condições QRP. O diploma está também disponível para rádio escutas.

WORKED CT QRP CLUB  AWAD award is a certificate from CT-QRP-CLUB . For this award you have to have  contacts with CT-QRP-CLUB MEMBERS. Both stations must be QRP, basic for working 10 members and endorsements for each further 5 members. QRP powers are considered max. 5W CW and 10W PEP SSB. Award applicant does not have to be QRP station.

Contacts after 1.1.2007 are valid for this award. QSL cards are not required. No band restrictions. Signed application is to include a log of the contacts.

Award is also available to SWL stations.

Special mention can be made as follows (if it applies to all contacts):

Award is fee is 5 IRCs. 

Send applications to:

Clube Português de QRP
P.o.Box 41
2781-901 OEIRAS


Para aceder ao regulamento oficial deste diploma visite a página web do Clube Português QRP através no endereço web http://ctqrpclub.bravehost.com.

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