Escola portuguesa contacta a ISS

O contacto rádio entre os alunos da escola E.B.2/3 de S. Romão do Coronado - Trofa e a Estação Espacial Internacional deverá acontecer hoje, 21 de Julho, cerca das 17h00 UTC, 18:00 em Portugal continental.
A estação de radioamador será operada por Luciano Melo - CT1HHP, responsável da delegação da Rede dos Emissores Portugueses no Porto.

As questões a colocar, ao astronauta Frank De Winne, pelos estudantes serão as seguintes:
1.  How many times have you been in space? In what circumstances?
2.  Do you like football? What is your favorite Portuguese football team and your favorite football player?
3.  How many astronauts are there in the shuttle?
4.  How long have you been an astronaut?
5.  When you were a child, did you want to be an astronaut?
6.  How long do you have to stay in space?
7.  How do you communicate with your family?
8.  Do you have Internet access in space?
9.  What happens if you are sick? Do you have medicine to treat yourself?
10. What is the temperature outside and in the space station?
11. Do you like computer games? What are your favorites?
12. How do you generate and store electricity?
13. How much time does it take you to go around the Earth?
14. What do you do with your rubbish?
15. How does your day at the station go?
16. Can you see any objects flying in space?
17. How was your trip from the Earth to the space station?
18 .What is life like in zero gravity?
19. Do you ever get out of the spaceship? How do you manage to do so?
20. Does the Earth look beautiful from space?

Pode acompanhar em directo, a tentativa de contacto da escola de Trofa com a ISS, através da página web da Rede dos Emissores Portugeses em
De recordar que este contacto é possível devido ao projecto ARISS - Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.

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